December 29, 2018


At this time every year, there are thousands upon thousands who make resolutions to do something or quit something.  This year I WANT TO DO SOMETHING!  Many somethings.  Most pertain to my blog but some – well some include a change in me as well.

Without further ado, here are my pledges (promises) to myself that I will try to achieve.

1-   Become a more interactive blog.  I want to share with people.  Share ideas and thoughts about books.  For anyone who knows me, this is a difficult task.  I am shy and introverted and very private about my life but this goes against my blogging goals.  To change this, I promise myself that I will post AT LEAST ONE discussion piece per week – something that IS NOT promo or a review.  This may seem small but for someone who doesn’t normally share much of anything this is asking a lot.  Hopefully as time goes by, it will be come easier and the creative juices will flow 😊. Thanks to Evelina@avalinahsbooks for being a sounding board and giving me inspiration for upcoming posts!

2-           Make myself known on social media.  This title is vague but it has many facets.  To make my presence known on social media, not only does my blog need to be more interactive but I NEED TO BE MORE INTERACTIVE.  I need to post interesting posts but also comment and engage with other bloggers as well as their posts.  Thanks to Nandini@unputdownablebooks for making me feel part of the blogging community and not just an obscure, no good blog.  Also for making me feel like anything is possible this year!

3-      Increase number of followers. Hopefully by achieving the above two goals, this will take care of itself.  Fingers crossed!

4-           Increase the number of views/visits to my blog.  Sometimes people need a “kick in the teeth” and that is what I needed.  After seeing the amount of views/visits on other blogs, I realized my views don’t even compare.  It’s a sad state of affairs but understandable due to my lack of engagement both socially and personally.  I’m banking on the fact that this will increase exponentially once all the above goals have been achieved.

This is it for me.  Not a lot really but definitely a change for me as a whole.  What are your goals/resolutions this year?  Do any of them match my own?  Here’s to a great New Year and to hoping all your goals and mine are achieved!


  1. Hey Sue! Awesome resolutions. I was checking out some of the books you've already reviewed, but we don't have a lot in common- what's your favorite book you've reviewed? I'll add it to my TBR list & if it's contemporary, I'll be able to add it to one of my challenges. :) Happy New Year!

    1. Hi! Thank you so much for visiting and replying! As for my favorite contemporary, it’s from a new to me author but so good. It’s called Your Sound by Katia Rose. It’s got a quirky heroine and a loveable hero and laughs along the way. My most recommended for this year, however, is a YA Duet, called The Ribbon Duet by Pepper Winters. It really is amazing and should be read! If you do read any of these books, I’d love to know what you think.


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