October 22, 2018

INTERVIEW: Madison Quinn


1.      What is your name and where are you from?

Madison Quinn. From Northeastern Pennsylvania.

2.      What genre do you write in?  Why?

I write Contemporary Romance. This is the genre I read the most of and I find that it speaks to me.  I love reading a book that will allow the reader to escape reality… even if it’s only for a little while.

3.      What are you working on now?

I am in the final stages of preparing my second book for release, due out in November. At the same time I’m also working on my third book which is something different for me. Still contemporary romance, but the start of it is more dark because of what the couple go through together.

4.      Who are some authors in your genre that inspire you?

Oh boy. There are so many! Let’s see, I’ve recently fallen in love with Pepper Winters. I could never write some of the darkness that she does but I absolutely love the way she makes the readers fall in love with the characters, no matter how dark they might be.

I love Lynda Archer’s Boardroom series. She packs so much into the stories that at least initially focus purely on sex.

5.      How did you come up with the idea for your book?

It’s completely random. The idea for the third book I’m working on (still untitled) came to me while driving to work. Sometimes I’ll be reading a book or watching something on television and an idea that has nothing to do with the other will just pop in to my head.

6.      Do you outline books ahead of time or are you more of a by-the-seat-of-your-pants writer?

I haven’t outlined anything LOL I’m definitely more of fly by the seat of you pants. It’s funny because when it comes to anything else in life, I’m not like this at all. But when it comes to writing, I need the characters and the story to tell me where to take the book.

7.      What are your top three favorite books of all time?

That’s tough… I fell in love with VC Andrews as a child… Flowers in the Attic was one of my favorites. I loved the series that followed (if you watched the movie, go read the book. You’re missing so much!). I’ve reread so many of her books. So probably any of her books would be my favorite.

8.      If you had one superpower that could change the world, what would it be?  Why?

It sounds cliché, but it would be to end the suffering of children. Something that would erase childhood cancer and physical/sexual abuse so they could have the childhood they deserve.

9.      Why did you decide to become a writer?

I used to write in high school, a LOT. I’d take spiral notebooks and fill them with stories. But then I became an adult and life got in the way. A few years ago, I started writing again. A few people encouraged me to share them. Though it took a little while for me to finally get the guts to do it, I published my first book last month.

10.    Are there any nuggets of wisdom you can impart to aspiring writers?

Just do it. Find a group of people who will support you and hold your hand as you walk through the writing and publishing process. It’s not easy, but the people who are with you along the way make all the difference. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

I just want to take the time and welcome Madison Quinn and thank her for taking the time to answer these questions.  Madison and her books will be spotlighted throughout the week.  There will also be a giveaway!  The giveaway will be hosted on my FB Page: 

Winner will be chosen at the end of the week.


A mother, a wife, a sister, an advocate, an avid reader and a first time author.  For as long as I can remember, I've loved to read.  I was the nerd in school who brought books to read during the few minutes of downtime in class or on the hour long bus ride to school each day.

I started writing stories as a way to escape reality while in high school, though only a handful of people even knew about them.  I put my hobby to the side, went to college, graduate school, got married and had a few kids.  Then my writing bug started biting again and I opened a blank word document.


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